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Main Body

Main Body

Thank you for shopping at and for using the parts lookup system to find parts for your HT250, HT250L. You have selected the Main Body diagram for the Maruyama HT250, HT250L Hedge Trimmers. Below you will find an interactive part diagram for the HT250, HT250L Main Body. If you find the part in the diagram you need you may click on the item number in the diagram or find it in the parts list below the diagram. For the HT250, HT250L parts not shown in this diagram you may select from one of the other HT250, HT250L part assemblies or select a different Hedge Trimmers altogether. Thanks for shopping with us at and for making us your source for Maruyama Hedge Trimmers parts.

Position number SKU Product title Price  
1 577134 577134 - HANDLE RUBBER
2 591447 591447 - LEFT HANDLE
3 580796 580796 - HEX HEAD BOLT
4 577133 577133 - HANDLE FITTING
5 577138 577138 - BUFFER
6 577136 577136 - HANDLE BRACKET
7 991938 991938 - HEXEGON NUT
8 577137 577137 - COLLER
9 577139 577139 - FITTING RUBBER
10 580803 580803 - HEX HEAD BOLT
11 991954 991954 - SCREW
13 580809 580809 - NLA LABEL
14 580810 580810 - NLA SWITCH STAY
15 580811 580811 - NLA SWITCH ASSY
16 580808 580808 - CORD BAND
17 580812 580812 - CORRUGATED TUBE
18(HT250) 580782 580782 - BLADE COVER
18(HT250L) 580816 580816 - NLA BLADE COVER
19 577127 577127 - NLA SPACER
20 580761 580761 - DRUM
21 591444 591444 - UPPER CASE
22(HT250) 991971 991971 - BOLT (W/SW)
22(HT250L) 587305 587305 - NLA BOLT
23 991937 991937 - NIPPLE, GREASE
24 580767 580767 - BALL BEARING (#6001-
25 580768 580768 - BALL BEARING
26 580769 580769 - NLA GEAR (SMALL)
27 591443 591443 - CRANK COMPLETE
28 997282 997282 - USE: 271466
29 580777 580777 - SNAP RING
30 991924 991924 - SCREW
31 991919 991919 - PLATE ROD SLIDE
32 997286 997286 - FELT
33 997288 997288 - LOWER CASE
34 580790 580790 - HEX HEAD BOLT
35 580791 580791 - HEX HEAD BOLT
36 997244 997244 - USE: 127226
37 991941 991941 - USE: 290560
38 991973 991973 - REINFORCING PLATE
39 587304 587304 - REINFORCING PLATE
40 991931 991931 - SCREW
41 991964 991964 - WASHER, PLAIN
42 991913 991913 - WASHER
43 991914 991914 - SCREW
44 991918 991918 - SCREW FOR FITTING BL
45 991912 991912 - SCREW FOR FITTING BL
46(HT250) 577131 577131 - GUIDE PLATE-30
46(HT250L) 580815 580815 - GUIDE BAR 40
47(HT250) 991911 991911 - PLATE
47(HT250L) 591464 591464 - PLATE
48(HT250) 991916 991916 - UPPER BLADE 30 INCH
48(HT250L) 591445 591445 - UPPER BLADE 40 INCH
49(HT250) 991917 991917 - LOWER BLADE 30 INCH
49(HT250L) 591446 591446 - LOWER BLADE 40 INCH
50 580776 580776 - HEX HEAD BOLT
51 591463 591463 - RIGHT HANDLE ASSY
52 591449 591449 - NLA LABEL
53 591450 591450 - LABEL