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Carburetor and Fuel Tank

Carburetor and Fuel Tank

Thank you for shopping at and for using the parts lookup system to find parts for your HT210, HT210L. You have selected the Carburetor and Fuel Tank diagram for the Maruyama HT210, HT210L Hedge Trimmers. Below you will find an interactive part diagram for the HT210, HT210L Carburetor and Fuel Tank. If you find the part in the diagram you need you may click on the item number in the diagram or find it in the parts list below the diagram. For the HT210, HT210L parts not shown in this diagram you may select from one of the other HT210, HT210L part assemblies or select a different Hedge Trimmers altogether. Thanks for shopping with us at and for making us your source for Maruyama Hedge Trimmers parts.

Position number SKU Product title Price  
1 260015 260015 - NLA SCREW
2 997309 997309 - LABEL, NAME
3 591045 591045 - NLA COVER, CLEANER
4 582731 582731 - NUT
5 591046 591046 - ELEMENT
6 587221 587221 - SCREW
7 582733 582733 - BRACKET
8 591480 591480 - NLA CASE, CLEANER
10 591041 591041 - NLA GASKET
11 260064 260064 - USE: 092075 No Longer Available
12 591040 591040 - INSULATOR
13 591039 591039 - INSULATOR GASKET
14 260607 260607 - USE: 261875
15 582721 582721 - BRACKET
16 582722 582722 - NLA WIRE HOLDER
17 991660 991660 - NLA CLIP
18 596915 596915 - THROTTLE VALVE
19 582725 582725 - PACKING
20 260590 260590 - GASKET
21 260591 260591 - DIAPHRAGM
22 260588 260588 - USE: 261871 No Longer Available
23 260700 260700 - MAIN JET
25 587210 587210 - PUMP BODY
26 570482 570482 - SCREEN
27 587215 587215 - SPRING
28 991670 991670 - LEVER
29 991671 991671 - PIN
30 587216 587216 - SCREW
31 587211 587211 - GASKET
32 991678 991678 - DIAPHRAGM
33 587212 587212 - BODY
34 260599 260599 - USE: 261874
35 587213 587213 - COVER
37 591498 591498 - NLA THROTTLE WIRE
38 582715 582715 - CLIP
39 591490 591490 - NLA FUEL TANK ASSY
40 591494 591494 - TANK CAP ASSY
42 582757 582757 - BREATHER, MACHINED D
43 582758 582758 - NLA PACKING
44 591495 591495 - HOLDER
45 591493 591493 - NLA PLUG
46 991647 991647 - NLA JOINT
47 971781 971781 - NLA FUEL PIPE CLIP
48 912652 912652 - USE: 972815 No Longer Available
49 591492 591492 - NLA FUEL HOSE
50 591491 591491 - BUSH
51 260117 260117 - SUCTION HOSE
52 587254 587254 - NLA FUEL FILTER
53 591497 591497 - TAPPING SCREW
54 260118 260118 - NLA PAD
55 591496 591496 - TANK BRACKET
56 577240 577240 - SCREW